This website is brought to you by Seomra It can be used as a history resource when teaching about Penal Times in Ireland, or it can be used when dealing with the history of the faith in Ireland. It could also be used as the basis for the study of your own local holy well. Classroom resources can be downloaded from the "Resources" section. I hope this web site will prove to be a valuable resource for teachers.
was the centenary of the Apparitions of Our Blessed Lady in Lourdes . To
commemorate the occasion, the Bernadette Players, a local drama group,
decided to stage a play, "Sight Unseen" by local man Gerry Westby, in Tobernalt Holy well depicting the events
surrounding the first apparitions in 1858.
A cast of almost fifty, a thirteen piece orchestra, forty members of Sligo Oratorio Society, a large group of backstage helpers and an organising committee took on the task of presenting in dramatic format the apparitions at the grotto at Massabielle. The task of mounting such a production was immense as Tobernalt is set into a hill in the middle of the countryside. A stage had to be built, electricity had to be sourced, amplification and lighting had to be erected and costumes had to be hired. It was no mean feat for rural Ireland in the 1950's.
This four act play, written
by local man Gerry Westby, had previously been performed in 1946 in
Sligo, but this 1958 performance was on a completely different scale.
The stage for the production was built within the precincts of Tobernalt
Holy Well for weeks beforehand by a team of dedicated volunteers. An
auditorium was also constructed providing 1,700 seats for patrons who
were expected to travel from far and wide to see the production.
Accommodation for dressing rooms was also built. A portable generator
was brought to Sligo to provide power for the lighting. Broadcasting and
Theatrical Productions, a Dublin company, provided the most modern
amplification available at the time.
The production was due to take place over eight nights. However, adverse weather forced the cancellation of two performances. Buses were laid on by CIE to transport people from Sligo and surrounding areas to Tobernalt for the performances. Keohane's Bookshop handled the selling of tickets for the performances. Tickets cost 5/- and 3/- for reserved seating. Tickets sold on the night cost 2/-
"It is a deeply moving, emotional play which is being acted brilliantly by a wonderfully enthusiastic cast, each member of which gives performances of outstanding merit".
The Sligo Champion
May 24th, 1958
"Sight Unseen" was Outstanding Theatrical Event".
The Sligo Champion
May 31st, 1958
"Memorable Outdoor Spectacle on Shores of Sligo's Beautiful Lough Gill".
The Sligo Independent
May, 1958
Sligo Independent, May 1958 |