
This website is brought to you by Seomra Ranga.com. It can be used as a history resource when teaching about Penal Times in Ireland, or it can be used when dealing with the history of the faith in Ireland. It could also be used as the basis for the study of your own local holy well. Classroom resources can be downloaded from the "Resources" section. I hope this web site will prove to be a valuable resource for teachers.


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Readers may find some of the following books informative on the topic of holy wells in Ireland.


List of Texts on the Holy Wells of Ireland



Tobernalt Holy Well, Sligo - History and Heritage: Eamonn Boylan, 2002

May be obtained from Veritas, Sligo



In Search of Ireland's Holy Wells, Elizabeth Healy (Wolfhound Press, Dublin, 2001)

ISBN 0-86327-865-5





The Holy Wells of Ireland, Patrick Logan (Colin Smythe, Buckinghamshire, 1980)

ISBN 0-86140-046-1





History of Sligo, County and Town, William Gregory Wood-Martin (Dodd's Antiquarian Books, Sligo, 1990)

Three volume reprints of the original publication



Fish Stone Water - The Holy Wells of Ireland, Anna Rackard and Liam O' Callaghan (Atrium, Cork, 2001)

ISBN 0953535312



"The Holy Wells of Ireland" in

Irish Essays: Literary and Historical, John Healy, Archbishop of Tuam (Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, Dublin, 1908)



Fingallian Holy Wells,

Petra Skyvova (Fingal County Libraries, Dublin, 2005)

ISBN 0954910303


Order book from:
Petra Skyvova
10 Hampton Cove
Co. Dublin




Diocese of Elphin : An Illustrated History,

Francis Beirne (Booklink, Ireland, 2007)

ISBN 978-0-9554097-3-8