
This website is brought to you by Seomra Ranga.com. It can be used as a history resource when teaching about Penal Times in Ireland, or it can be used when dealing with the history of the faith in Ireland. It could also be used as the basis for the study of your own local holy well. Classroom resources can be downloaded from the "Resources" section. I hope this web site will prove to be a valuable resource for teachers.


Seomra Ranga Home
Holy Well Home
Name Meaning
Penal Times
Garland Sunday
Sight Unseen
Other Holy Wells
Photo Gallery


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Holy Well Resources

All Resources are in Word format

Our Local Holy Well - worksheet to complete about your own local holy well (35KB)

Holy Well Drawing - sheet to make a drawing of your local holy well (25KB)

Holy Wells in Our Parish - worksheet to record the names of all holy wells in the parish (29KB)

Tobernalt Web Quest #1 - 10 question web quest based on the Tobernalt web site. Answers provided (34KB)

Tobernalt Web Quest #2 - 10 question web quest based on the Tobernalt web site. Answers provided (35KB)

Holy Wells in Irish - try to find out the meanings of holy wells in Irish (42.5KB)

Creative Writing #1 - imagine you are a priest and write a diary entry (27KB)

Creative Writing #2 - imagine you are a man/woman and write a diary entry (26.5KB)

Creative Writing #3- imagine you are a soldier and write a diary entry (25.5KB)

Changes in History - use the table to record or discuss how things have changed in relation to Penal Times in Ireland (30KB)

Tobernalt Holy Well Puzzle - solve the clues and fill in the grid. Answers included

Anseo i Lár an Ghleanna - dán le Seán Mac Fheorais faoi sagart ag tobar naofa ag am na Péindlíthe